
Facets are the strong point of esthetic, less-invasive dentistry. They are extremely-thin prosthetic manufactures, such as Lumineers, which can be around 0,1 – 0,3mm thick and sacrifice little tissue of affected teeth. Therefore, they can soon solve those problems caused by dyschromia, fractures ...

Cisti odontogena dentigera in un giovane paziente con dentizione mista

La cisti odontogena dentigera del mascellare è una cavità patologica contenente fluido, rivestita da epitelio e circondata da una parete connettivale ben definita, associata alla corona di uno o più elementi dentari. La terapia prevede l’asportazione chirurgica, con eventuale estrazione dell...

Combined occlusal and pharmacological therapy in the treatment of temporo-mandibular disorders

The term myoarthropathy of the masticatory system refers to a large number of pathologic conditions affecting the masticatory musculature and/or the Temporo-Mandibular Articulation (TMA). The complexity of this subject matter can be guessed by the wide range of terms used over the years to point ...

Dental Arch3D Direct Detection System from the Patient’s Mouth and Robot for Implant Positioning

During the last years, three-dimensional scanning technologies have evolved rapidly. Several digitizing systems have been proposed which can be divided into two main categories: contact systems and non-contact systems. The contact systems digitize a surface by means of a mechanical digitizer, so ...