The term “advanced implantology” indicates surgical operations performed according to well-defined protocols, in order to solve anatomical conditions which did not allow for implant placement, due to lack of bone, atrophy and other reasons. On the contrary, these conditions constituted a contraindication because the bone was not present in adequate quantity and quality for fixture placement and release of the force transmitted to the bone by mastication loads.

Thanks to a CT scan and derived programs, today we can elaborate a 3D model reproducing all the fundamental parameters, such as thickness, height and bone density. This allows to visually understand bone loss and to perform implant rehabilitation through modern regeneration techniques based on growth factors (Bone regeneration with PRP, which are increasingly used to deal with long healing times).
In the present work, the authors report the implant rehabilitation of 2 middle-aged patients in the posterior palatal area, also thanks to the use of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) activated with calcium chloride, which is used for platelet degranulation and thus to obtain Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) + Bio-Oss.

Clinical and radiographic follow-up examinations six months after implant placement showed a clear implant success.

Overall, advanced implantology allowed to solve all those cases considered not suitable for implant treatment, such as: atrophic crestal sinus lift and expansion, maxillary sinus lift and alveolar nerve shift.

This gives hope and comfort to patients carrying totally or partially mobile prostheses, or prostheses screwed on few implants needing recurrent and short-term check-ups.



Congresso Nazionale dei Docenti di Discipline Odontostomatologiche e Chirurgia Maxillo Facciale
Firenze – Siena, 14-16 Aprile 2011

Università degli Studi di Bari Dipartimento di Odontostomatologia e Chirurgia
Direttore: Prof.ssa D. DE VITO
Calabrodental S.r.l. Unità Operativa di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale Regione Calabria – Crotone Dir. San: Dott. M. W. Marrelli

F. Inchingolo, F. Schinco*, G. Dipalma, M. Serafini, S. Di Teodoro, A. M. Inchingolo, M. Tatullo, A. D. Inchingolo, A. Palladino, M. De Carolis, M. Marrelli


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