
Mixed dentition analysis forms a critical aspect of early orthodontic treatment.

In fact an accurate space analysis is one of the important criteria in determining whether the treatment plan may involve serial extraction, guidance of eruption, space maintenance, space regaining or just periodic observation of the patients.

The aim of the present study was to calculate linear regression equations in mixed dentition space analysis, measuring 230 dental casts mesiodistal tooth widths, obtained from southern Italian patients (118 females, 112 males, mean age 15±3 years).

Student’s t-test or Wilcoxon test for independent and paired samples were used to determine right/left side and male/female differences.

On the basis of the sum of the mesiodistal diameters of the 4 mandibular incisors as predictors for the sum of the widths of the canines and premolars in the mandibular mixed dentition, a new linear regression equation was found: y = 0.613x+7.294 (r= 0.701) for both genders in a southern Italian population.

To better estimate the size of leeway space, a new regression equation was found to calculate the mesiodistal size of the second premolar using the sum of the four mandibular incisors, canine and first premolar as a predictor. The equation is y = 0.241x+1.224 (r= 0.732).

In conclusion, new regression equations were derived for a southern Italian population.


Cirulli N, Ballini A, Cantore S, Farronato D, Inchingolo F, Dipalma G, Gatto MR, Alessandri Bonetti G.

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